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Ben Schwartz is an avid Blogger and Vlawger. Come back often for the latest news from Schwartz & Schwartz.
One Simple Precaution Could Save Healthcare Providers from a False Insurance Fraud Allegation
Insurance Fraud allegations should be a concern for all Delaware health care providers, given the aggressive manner in which insurance companies operate to investigate and prosecute these claims, and further given the lack of reliability of patients who are often called on to convey treatment information to the insurance company investigators. One simple way to document patient visits and treatment rendered is to have the patient sign their daily chart note at the time of service. In this way, providers can assure themselves that they are being proactive and practicing defensively so as to prevent false charges of over-billing and other types of fraud.
Can a Medical License Suspension be Stayed?
The Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline suspended my license to practice medicine after a hearing. Is it possible to get the suspension stayed? In Delaware medical board cases, once the Board has taken final action to discipline a doctor’s license, the...
Is the Bar Too Low for Physician Discipline in Delaware?
Consider the following scenario: Two people are arrested and charged with insurance fraud in Wilmington, Delaware. One of these people is a physician who billed for services that were not actually rendered after work-related accidents that didn’t actually happen. The...